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Open Forums for ExChristian.Net > Old Board > Fuel for the Fire

Posted by: sexkitten Oct 14 2004, 05:43 PM

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ExChristian.Net Open Forums > Critics Corner > Fuel For The Fire

Posted by: Reach Apr 8 2004, 01:18 AM
The Writers' Connection
~ Random Love Notes ~

Life is not a rehearsal. You're on stage.

The topic: Love notes, poems and quotes from you to the ones you love.
The reason: They are fun to write, wonderful to receive and are always a unique way of expressing your love.
You're invited to participate! ~ Write ~ Post ~ Borrow ideas! ~ Throw another log on the fire. ~ Enjoy the results!

Open Mic! ~ Come one; come all! Stay warm. Stoke your fire and keep the fuel handy.

This commercial has been brought to you by reach. In the USA it's spring out there. What more can I say?
Oh yeah, reach out and touch someone. Was that AT&T? Use Hallmark, or better yet, your mark, when you care enough
to send the very best.

Posted by: Fweethawt Apr 8 2004, 01:36 AM
I awoke this morning to the finale of a dream.
This dream with no conclusion.
A dream ending in despair.

It began with the thought of you, a picture of you.
For that, is all that I have.
But somehow you leave me with more.

This fantasy, filled with much aspiration.
This illusion, filled with much desire.
A desire to fulfill this simple wish.
To lay eyes upon your beautiful face.

At once, I thought that I had found you,
As I stared at this black and white imposter before me.
Then it dawned on me, that it wasn’t really you.
Not enough depth, not enough color.
Nothing real.

I walked away to continue my quest,
But it was to no avail.
Then I found myself calling your name.
In a panic, I screamed those wonderful syllables.

I awoke.

I awoke with the fear that the entire world
Had heard me partaking in such foolishness.
It did.
I could hear its fiendish laughter directly in my heart.

Then I saw the irony in it all.
The irony in the tears that rolled down my face.
The tears that told me one thing.

You are there.

The world became silent, and I smiled.

Posted by: Reach Apr 8 2004, 03:02 AM

Awakened late, and yet the song playing in my head as I awoke, spoke of you.

Lover Lay Down
I don't know what to say. I don't know what to make of all this. I'd say good morning, but it isn't.
I think it's around 2-something. That Lokmer man insisted on picking my brain until 8 this morning. Kitty was reading,
from over his shoulder what I was writing, but even she can't stay up as late as that night-owl man she's married to.

I'd say good afternoon but I'm not sure it's such a good one. Right at this moment I'd just love to be in your company.
I wonder what it's like to be in the presence of you. You warm me. I miss you.

I'll say good evening because maybe that's when you'll read this. I will go through this day with great joy, knowing you'll
be with me and I'll be with you, somehow, some way, in some part of it. Gathered together in time...

I'll stop there. I'm having one of those days where the depths of me are crying out to even greater depths and
begging release. For now, may they run free.

My thoughts of you break forth in smiles across my face. You must know you are enjoyed.

Thanks to Lokmer and Kitty for generously granting permission for part of our real life to be shared here. March 28, 2004

Posted by: Loren Apr 8 2004, 02:15 PM
Reach, you are a treasure! What a wonderful topic! In honor of your topic title which so inspires me, here it is.

You are a fire without fuel.
I am fuel without a fire.

Posted by: formerfundie Apr 8 2004, 02:16 PM
Understandings a world of the only way I can touch you where it has any meaning - the only way I can experience having you for myself.

Looking...through a cloudy mist I can see our happiness - as two separate people becoming one - in body and mind.

When I awaken all I see is two...searching...uncertain of a way to make fantasy a reality. Individuals so alike that they're silent feelings...never knowing the other's true thoughts towards them, and both too insecure to take any chances. (1988)

Hint - think allegorically


Hot sticky dark fudge
Melts frozen vanilla mound
With cherry on top.(2004)

Okay, disclaimer: This was an attempt at haiku. No poets were harmed in the production.

Just wrote this and wanted to post it - what the hell...


I sit here and my thoughts escape to those earlier moments.

The moment we left the cafe and you invited me for one more platonic hug in the parking lot.

The moment you wrapped your arm around my waist and drew me closer.

The moment when sideways cheek met cheek, scruffy against smooth, and in a moment of abandonment from convention and status quo

Abandonment of reserve -

Your large but gentle hand coaxed and caressed, maneuvering cheek to cheek, scruffy to smooth, towards a full frontal assault -

Where soft surrounded by bristle pressed against softness, tenderness to tender, skin against skin - willing to receive

Unbridled, heated passion finally released -

And melt into the moment in a loud, speechless, breathy response.(2004)


Posted by: formerfundie Apr 8 2004, 02:39 PM
Haven't quite gotten this one sent in for publication yet, but I'll find a taker one day. Although it isn't about romantic love, it IS about love, so I'm gonna go ahead and share it here - my mom's professor at U of Fla. thought it was pretty good, and one of my Professors here said it was pretty good, but he hasn't seen this revised version of it yet.


While sorting through mementos
One soggy Saturday
Each item had a tale to tell
In a very special way.

The journals said, "You're special,"
The needlepoint, "I care."
A coffee mug voiced, "You're unique,
And have so much to share."

The note cards told me, "Carry on!"
Or, "I'm so proud of you!"
They spoke encouraging words to me
During rough times I went through.

To me the value of these gems
Outmeasures gifts of gold
Because of the strength and wisdom gained
From the stories that they hold.

I know these little keepsakes
Will someday break or bend,
But until then they will represent
The love of a treasured friend.


Dedicated to my older sis, and to my best friend, Regina.
Also to my oldest daughter, and some former friends that have had to part ways with me due to differences in philosophy. Sometimes, these things just happen.

Posted by: Loren Apr 8 2004, 02:49 PM

Posted by: Reach Apr 8 2004, 04:16 PM
Ok. This is for my buddies. Fwee and I were talking the other day and I always call him "buddy" and it occurred to me that I had never told him why and what that term of affection means to me. So, I asked him if he would, in fact, like to know why I use that particular term. Naturally, Fwee being one of those who is of the most curious variety of male, he demanded I come "out with the truth." Just to drive him crazy, I made him wait an entire day or two for me to divulge this little story.

When I first came here, as a follower of Christ, I had no way of knowing whether or not I'd ever fit in here or make a friend. I wanted to be here, however it all played out. A special thanks to Xpen who seemed to make room for me first, somehow. This one's for you, Xpen, and also for some others who have now become good buddies. Thanks for you!

Why call one buddy?

Coming from the big city (wow!), the Bay Area where San Francisco is stretched across her seven hills, or something like that, I never was a country girl at all. I was a city slicker, self-righteous, private, Ivy-League college educated little snot. I thought I was better than those country bumpkins, white trailer trash, hillbilly hicks types.

There were certain words that just didn't cross my lips. Not once, not ever. One of those redneck, fool terms was "buddy." Good grief, when you name a child, don't you ever think of his future? Must he be tagged with a name that suggests he is consigned to milking cows and cleaning out the chicken coop? I'd never hand out such atrocious labels to my children.

Alas, time has a way of softening the snottiest little city slicker's heart and I found myself embracing motherhood and my little ones kissing me with that fully opened, slobbery wet mouth splat. I was in the yard one day with my two year old son and we were digging some holes and planting some flowers. We had become most earthy and loved to play in the dirt together, planting all manner of seeds and herbs and all good things. My son loved flowers too.

One day, as we dug and watered and simply enjoyed our time together where we touched earth, the dirt gathered beneath our fingernails and we treasured the company of each other; I caught the look on my son's face as the sun streaked across his cheeks and I thought, "My little son has become a little buddy to me." It was a most poignant moment as I realized, come whatever may, we would be buddies for life.

From that point on, whenever I call anyone buddy, it is always with the most tender of affection and the hope for a lifetime of friendship. Some words change us.

The End

much love from reach, for her son Jonathan, and her other buddies... who rock her world.

Posted by: Reach Apr 9 2004, 12:48 PM
Some words mean more than others. Treasure.

Fuel for the fire... add more fuel.

Posted by: formerfundie Apr 9 2004, 09:08 PM
And some things - there just are no words for...

THAT was VERY poignant, Reach!

Posted by: Fweethawt Apr 12 2004, 01:53 AM

I can't read the future
But I still want to hold you close,
Right now.
So give me the morning.
Sharing another day with you,
Is all I want to know.

And baby I,
I've tried to forget you
But the light of your eyes still shines.
You shine like an angel.
A spirit that won't let me go.

Right now, I can’t think of a better song to describe you and your presence in my life. Angel, you’ve shown me so much, in so little time. Just when I thought that I knew it all, you showed me how much more I have to learn. I’m not so sure that I could put into words just how much you mean to me, Angel.

There will never be a day in my life that I will regret any of the moments that we’ve shared. Nobody has ever touched me that way that you have, and none have found it in their heart to allow me to touch them the way that I’ve touched you.

Just having touched your love, will be enough for me.

Regardless of what may happen in the future, a part of you will be with me, always.

Posted by: Turn_or_Burn Apr 14 2004, 05:40 AM
This isn't mine, but I love this.

When I became convinced that the Universe is natural -- that
all the ghosts and gods are myths, there entered into my brain,
into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling,
the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell, the
dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts, and bars, and
manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf or a slave.
There was for me no master in all the wide world -- not even in
infinite space. I was free -- free to think, to express my thoughts
-- free to live to my own ideal -- free to live for myself and
those I loved -- free to use all my faculties, all my senses --
free to spread imagination's wings -- free to investigate, to guess
and dream and hope -- free to judge and determine for myself --
free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the "inspired"
books that savages have produced, and all the barbarous legends of
the past -- free from popes and priests -- free from all the
"called" and "set apart" -- free from sanctified mistakes and holy
lies -- free from the fear of eternal pain -- free from the winged
monsters of the night -- free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the
first time I was free. There were no prohibited places in all the
realms of thought -- no air, no space, where fancy could not spread
her painted wings -- no chains for my limbs -- no lashes for my
back -- no fires for my flesh -- no master's frown or threat -- no
following another's steps -- no need to bow, or cringe, or crawl,
or utter lying words. I was free. I stood erect and fearlessly,
joyously, faced all worlds.

Posted by: Fweethawt Apr 16 2004, 01:15 AM
This isn't really a love note. It is just a little something that I put together for one of my "buddies". (see Reach's definition)

I wrote this about a little girl that my wife used to babysit while her mom went to school.

I really do miss her.

Hello Faith,

You probably don’t remember me, but let me tell you something. I have never forgotten you. I know, this seems odd coming from someone who seems like a total stranger, but really, I’m not. If the truth is known, you were the one who originally initiated our relationship.

When you were just a tiny baby, your mother would bring you to my house every morning before she went to school. At first, you were so young that you couldn’t even hold your head up. I was given the great opportunity to watch you grow into a walking, talking, beautiful little girl. There isn’t any way that I could explain just how much I looked forward to coming home from work in the mornings knowing that you were going to be there.

Faith, whether you know it or not, you’ve given me precious memories that I never had the chance to experience with my own children. Let me explain.

When I became a young parent, I wasn’t prepared for the necessary complications in raising children. I didn’t have any idea how much responsibility, expense, and especially time, was involved in having children. In some ways, I was still a child myself. Needless to say, I was in for a rude awakening within my early years of parenthood. You see, I worked for an extremely demanding company at that time. The job opportunities in my area were very scarce, so I was pretty much trapped. Most of my early parenthood was spent working several hours a day, seven days a week, for months on end. Usually, when I would come home, I was so tired that the only thing that I could find the energy to do, was sleep. When I woke up, it was time to go back to work.

In short, I missed much of my own children growing as toddlers. I wasn’t there when they learned how to crawl. I wasn’t there when they took their first steps. I wasn’t there when they spoke their first words.

You Faith, have given those precious, lost moments, back to me, in a way. I was there when you learned how to crawl. I was there when you took your first step. I was there when you spoke your first words. Best of all, we were both there when we became buddies. I have a friend of mine who told me what it means to be buddies. Perhaps one day, I’ll be able to explain that to you a little better.

I will never forget all the fun that we used to have when we played together. You were such an inquisitive and patient little girl when it came to observing new things. I can remember when you would show up in the morning and come running into my bedroom saying, “Pip-pip-pip” and “i’tar-i’tar-i’tar”. You were so happy when I gave you a handful of my guitar picks. Can you remember me teaching you how to say the colors of them? You would go and grab my guitar and just look at me. I knew what you meant, I knew what you wanted. I would sit you down on the bed and play my guitar, and you would just sit there and smile, and rock back and forth to the music. You were my first real fan! Can you remember how I used to let you play it? I would fret the chords, and you would strum the strings. I can’t forget the amazement in your eyes the first time that you did that. Of course, once you learned how to walk and run a little better, that whole experience changed quite a bit.

Once you reached that point, you still enjoyed listening to me play for you, but you also enjoyed stuffing the picks inside my guitar. It was hilarious how you used to look right at my eyes at the very same time that you were putting a pick inside of the guitar. You would just smile about it, and so did I.

Can you remember how we used to go for a walk out in the yard just to look at the grass, bushes, trees, flowers, and anything else that we could find? You loved every minute of it, and so did I. Shhhh! Listen! Can you hear the birds? How does a bird go? That’s right, the birds go, “twee-twee-twee”! Look! There’s one right now! Wow! Did you see that? You’re eyes would get so big, and that smile, that unforgettable smile.

These are just a few of the things that I can remember of the times that we spent together as buddies. There is so much more.

I miss you baby girl.

Posted by: Loren Apr 16 2004, 10:30 PM

I see friends shaking hands
saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying,
"I love you..."

Posted by: Reach Apr 16 2004, 10:41 PM

I felt
a woman's beauty
and a child's delight
in finding you.

Thanks, everyone, for the beautiful words that have been posted here.

Posted by: formerfundie Apr 16 2004, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (Loren @ Apr 16 2004, 10:30 PM)

I see friends shaking hands
saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying,
"I love you..."

Loren - I absolutely LOVE that! Can't tell ya why, but it "SPOKE" to me.


Posted by: Fweethawt Apr 17 2004, 02:49 AM
Sorry Loren, I couldn't resist!
I have to add to this. I hope you don't mind.


I see friends shaking hands
saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying,
"I love you..."

Yes, so it seems,
'till you look to the core.
Then you'll see what I do.
I see so much more.

Posted by: Lokmer Apr 18 2004, 04:10 AM
I haven't written freeverse in a long time - be gentle

In the flicker of sigh and shadow
Of whispers and laughter
Of candle and poem
A voice of smoke from across the room
Became the music that moves through me.
Coming and going - a lilt and a phrase,
And when it is gone, all is silence.
The poems unread
The book unopened
The candles unlit
And when it comes,
The music of my friend
Begins the dance again.


Posted by: Reach Apr 21 2004, 01:26 PM

All who are thirsty... come for more than water.

Photo courtesy of Dave Amit

Posted by: Fweethawt Apr 21 2004, 08:10 PM
You are the light in my nights.
You are the brightness in my day.
You satiate my void,
Even when you’re away.

Ask me why I bother,
To inform you of this bliss.
And I’ll tell you that I love you,
Even though you know this.

So take my hand, and we’ll take a walk.
Let’s see what we might find.
We’ll meet at the place we always do,
Where hearts and souls combine.

Posted by: formerfundie Apr 21 2004, 08:22 PM

Posted by: Reach Apr 27 2004, 11:57 PM
The Weakness In Me
Joan Armatrading

I'm not the sort of person
Who falls
In and quickly out of love
But to you I gave my affection
Right from the start

I have a lover
Who loves me
How could I break such a heart
Yet still you get my attention

Why do you come here
When you know I've got trouble enough
Why do you call me
When you know I can't answer the phone

Make me lie
When I don't want to
And make someone else
Some kind of an unknowing fool
You make me stay
When I should not
Are you so strong
Or is all the weakness in me

Why do you come here
And pretend to be just passing by
When I mean to see you
And I mean to hold you

Feeling guilty
Waking from tormented sleep
This old love has me bound
But the new love cuts deep

If I choose now
I'll lose out
One of you has to fall
And I need you
And you

Yours always,
All the best always,
The new love cuts deep...

Posted by: woodsmoke Apr 28 2004, 10:57 PM
Good ol' Pops. Thanks Loren, that was great.

Posted by: Lokmer Apr 29 2004, 07:13 AM
Lover's Whisper

Sifting dew-dropped down through
Liquid laughter in the blue
The smiling fox, the playful bird
The sound of spring is in her words
The secret of the music for deer mating 'neath the trees
A soft and throaty whisper has me gliding in her breeze.
-J. Daniel Sawyer

Posted by: formerfundie Apr 30 2004, 11:18 PM
Wow, that was neat.

I like this poet's use of alliteration and consonant and vowel sounds to "make the music"

Aw, yes, word craft - nothing in the world quite like it.


Posted by: Lokmer May 3 2004, 11:24 AM

Thanks for the compliments, FF!
I feel warm and fuzzy now

Posted by: formerfundie May 5 2004, 07:05 PM
Alright, this is an hors-deurve (I know - I spelled that wrong but didn't want to take time to look it up.) I am actually going to write a poem that dearest Fweetie actually somewhat inspired - ya think ya can stand that? Anyway, for now, what follows will have to do. Now that school's out until summer semester begins I have a bit more time on my hands - in between stuff I'll have to do to finalize ongoing divorce proceedings - BLAH!


My lover's here.

Tall, dark and handsome comes in.

We sit...quietly.

Posted by: formerfundie May 5 2004, 07:10 PM
QUOTE (Lokmer @ May 3 2004, 11:24 AM)

Thanks for the compliments, FF!
I feel warm and fuzzy now

I like making people feel "warm and fuzzies" - and that's pretty cool as long as it's not dryer lint. Okay, my humor is whacko.

Lokmer/Fweetie - ya know - you guys, in my opinion, are pretty damned good at this stuff. It would be a neat idea if somehow, considering all the talented people here, an anthology could be originated. Just a passing thought I had recently. Ciao. FF

Posted by: Fweethawt May 14 2004, 10:44 PM
Reach buddy, I took your and moved this over here.
But then again, it's still over


All throughout my life, I've seen pictures
similar to this one. Never before the time
that I met you, did it hold any meaning
for me.

Thank you again for being here with us.
Thank you again for being who you are.

Love you too friend.

Posted by: Fweethawt May 25 2004, 12:33 AM
In order to understand this poem/writing, you must know that my sister-in-law moved to Texas a long time ago at a point in her life when she didn't really know what to do with herself.

She ended up staying with some relatives who eventually started to treat her as if she was some sort of slave. These people are outright slobs who don't really take care of housekeeping at all, and in the midst of her trying to find a life for herself down there, they expected her to do everything that they hardly ever did in the first place.

The man of the house was an alcholic who also ended up hitting her from time to time.

So, to try to keep a long story short, she ended up getting married, had two children (girl & boy), and eventually her marriage went to the pits. The level of selfishness in her husband, is so apparent, it is disgusting. How something like this could happen to a person like her, I'll never know.

If I were to honestly describe her, I would have to say that she is caring, intelligent, fun, and just an all around beautiful person.

Sadly, as with most intelligent women, she is viewed as somewhat of a threat, I guess, by most people. Let me just put it this way, most, or all, of her other attributes go unnoticed by everybody. I however, see the whole person, or as much as I can anyway, and I put this little poem together and gave it to her as a gift for her 40th birthday.

Keep in mind though, that I didn't just type this out, print it, and hand it to her. When I put this together, I searched for just the right picture of a Texas sunset, overseeing an extremely vast field that showed the silouhettes of a small herd of cattle, a barn, and a windmill. The picture was big enough so as to fit on a regular 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of high-gloss photograph paper, and I fit the words off to the side of the photo which pretty much made the whole thing suitable for framing by the time that I was finished.

Every summer, and sometimes during the Thanksgiving Holiday, she comes to visit us. She stays at my house for a couple of weeks, sometimes a whole month. All I can say is, she really brightens up the atmoshpere when she is around.

This is what I wrote:

A Texas Breeze

Every not so often
Maybe twice a year
We are blessed with a presence
That we hold very dear

She brings with Her much sunshine
And the laughter we all need
Most of us don’t notice this
Perhaps we should take heed

With warm embrace we hold her close
‘Cause we know that She can’t stay
It’s with deep regret when comes the time
That She must go away

But till then, let us not fret
For She is with us now
But then again, She always is
It’s just a question of how

Posted by: formerfundie May 26 2004, 10:29 AM
Something new...I'll be (maybe if I can get over some hurt feelings from my college Prof.) taking it to the monthly critiquing session (fotunately he's not the ONLY one in the group!) tomorrow night so it's still relatively a WIP (work in progress)

Artistic Differences

You took a simple lump of coal and drew me -
Scribbling squiggly lines on the blank canvas
Defining form by applying bold or subtle
Shades and shadows.

I thought you were

Innovative and

This masterpiece hung on the honored space
Above the fireplace and I clung to it for years.

Then I met Picasso and discovered a

Unabashed and

And when the renaissance came,
Again, in another game
Of tit for tat,
Replaced all this -
For that.

Posted by: formerfundie May 27 2004, 06:16 PM
Okay, I probably shouldn't respond to my own post, but tonight was the critiquing session AND

The published writer
The College Professor AND
The teacher who helps tutor in the writing lab all said there were some really neat things going on in the above poem.
They did give some quality feedback and suggestions for improvement, and the College Prof. actually said it could turn into a very good feminist piece and recommended I submit it to an ongoing Women Who Write contest for possible publication in their anthology. I was SOOOOO encouraged!
I just wanted to share that with whoever may pop in here to take a peak.

So - Fweet - YOU were partially the muse of this piece, and Reach, thanks.


Once more, it's not a love poem, BUT, it's where I'm at right now. I think this is a good thread for people who write stuff, it'll help 'em keep trodding the path so for everyone who's shared your stuff, which is really hard for writers to do, keep up the good work!

Posted by: Reach May 27 2004, 06:39 PM
QUOTE (formerfundie @ May 26 2004, 01:29 PM)
...This masterpiece hung on the honored space
Above the fireplace and I clung to it for years.

Then I met... and discovered...

Replaced all this -
For that.


My main hesitation with commenting on each piece of writ here is a desire for this thread to not turn into something like the photo thread where there are an estimated five or more comments for every photograph. For the many members who have dial-up service, the loading of a single page is a test in patience.

I enjoy your work. I love this particular piece because I like to write with few words, believing that less is more. I'd rather be guilty of understatement any day.

An elegantly simple, rich tapestry of words, which holds out hope and yet comes to a lovely, peaceful closure. Well done and congratulations. Thanks to you and all the others for your wonderful contributions. Next?


Posted by: formerfundie Jul 17 2004, 06:30 AM
Okay, I'm posting this - it's new - eh - it's what I do with my time...sometimes...I've got some other ones I may post here one day too. I know there are other writers/poets/poetesses on this board - POST YOUR STUFF - tha's all I's gotsta say!!! This seems to have become a bit 'threadbare' if ya know what I mean.

This will be going to the table - on Thursday - for critique and review, then hopefully will be recommended for submission to an upcoming poetry contest. It is my attempt at what is called a "Rondeau".

A Real Poem

A real poem's what I want to write
Not something cute or quaint or trite
A recognizable design
With poignancy in every line
Perhaps one day I might

It's such a struggle to ignite
Creative flow without a fight
To learn the form and make it mine
A real poem

A musing now I must invite
For poetry and fun tonight
So he can help me with my rhyme
Well...maybe...if we have the time
A real poem


Posted by: Reach Aug 1 2004, 02:23 PM
Charming, FF...


I love you, Oregon.

Your beaches, your sand and salt, your waves, our ocean...

I walked just a small part of your rugged, rocky coastline but I saw enough to fall in love with you.

Your sand between my toes, I drank your salty tears and rode your waves.

I love our ocean and I will come home again.

-your barefoot girl

Posted by: formerfundie Aug 1 2004, 04:19 PM
So, Reach, I take it this means you're a displaced Oregon native? I know that I loved Oregon when we went down its coastline on a vacation I took many long years ago with my dad and stepmom - talk about a scenic route - WOW!


yeah, it was supposed to be a rondeau - but it had a broken leg, so I ended up revising it, or, revising it, LOL. I'll FINALLY be able to take my English professor's imaginative writing class this upcoming fall semester - I got such a crush on him - he's tough but he's good, so I'm hoping all this stuff will improve with time. Thanks for your encouraging words.

Posted by: Reach Aug 21 2004, 12:31 PM
Your writing is wonderful, FF. Thank you for sharing yourself with us here.

I'm a displaced (San Francisco Bay Area-born) west coast native. I celebrate that I'll be making Oregon my home soon. I left my beloved Pacific Ocean on October 2, 1991. After living away from the west coast for so long, it is very fitting that I return home on October 2, 2004... thirteen years to the day of my departure. I'm not entirely sure what the number thirteen might represent, but as I close the final chapter on the old life, I joyfully embrace the new life right in front of me. I lived in hope and I survived.

This girl is finally going home.


I saw this brief commentary and thought it would be of some interest to those who enjoy this thread.

To Go Its Way in Tears: Poems of Grief

Curated by

We live in a superficial, media-driven culture that often seems uncomfortable with true depths of feeling. Indeed, it seems as if our culture has become increasingly intolerant of that acute sorrow, that intense mental anguish and deep remorse which may be defined as grief. We want to medicate such sorrow away. We want to divide it into recognizable stages so that grief can be labeled, tamed, and put behind us. But poets have always celebrated grief as one of the deepest human emotions. To grieve is to lament, to mourn, to let sorrow inhabit one's very being. liked to distinguish between grievances (complaints) and griefs (sorrows). He even suggested that grievances, which are propagandistic, should be restricted to prose, "leaving poetry free to go its way in tears." Implicit in poetry is the notion that we are deepened by heartbreaks, that we are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish--to let others vanish--without leaving a verbal record. Poetry is a stubborn art. The poet is one who will not be reconciled, who is determined to leave a trace in words, to transform oceanic depths of feeling into the faithful nuances of art.

Posted by: formerfundie Aug 21 2004, 09:37 PM
Thank you Reach, just for being here. I guess I needed to read the stuff about grief tonight. I'm grieving about a lot of things. A marriage of 23 years is slowly and agonizingly dissipating (if the papers were ever to get signed) - I am totally discouraged about my writing and feel like throwing in the towel - I will be losing my job soon. The house is a mess, and now there's someone stalking my youngest daughter, does this crap ever end?

I'm glad you're making your way home to Oregon. We all need to have roots somewhere. I don't know why mine are still here in Kentucky - I do love the quaintest of this state sometimes. We just may meet up in Oregon someday...we'll see how things pan out. I HATE being depressed. It's even worse because of a financial situation or two I'm in, and then there's the extra pressure of getting to school and doing all that too - sometimes it's hard to just suck it all up, ya know.

Anyway, I appreciate you and everything you contribute. I've missed being able to be on here lately, but there are just other things that are more priority now.



Posted by: Reach Aug 24 2004, 01:01 AM
QUOTE (formerfundie @ Aug 22 2004, 12:37 AM)
Thank you Reach, just for being here. I guess I needed to read the stuff about grief tonight. I'm grieving about a lot of things. A marriage of 23 years is slowly and agonizingly dissipating (if the papers were ever to get signed) - I am totally discouraged about my writing and feel like throwing in the towel - I will be losing my job soon. The house is a mess, and now there's someone stalking my youngest daughter, does this crap ever end?

I'm glad you're making your way home to Oregon. We all need to have roots somewhere. I don't know why mine are still here in Kentucky - I do love the quaintest of this state sometimes. We just may meet up in Oregon someday...we'll see how things pan out. I HATE being depressed. It's even worse because of a financial situation or two I'm in, and then there's the extra pressure of getting to school and doing all that too - sometimes it's hard to just suck it all up, ya know.

Anyway, I appreciate you and everything you contribute. I've missed being able to be on here lately, but there are just other things that are more priority now.



I grieve too, FF. I grieve too. I have walked away or more accurately, been pushed away, by a few men... I've learned to build my dreams on something other than the love of a man. And yet, at the moment, one man does love me now and I shudder in trepidation and fear when I realize how or what he could do or say to... undo me. We live in hope. We cross our hearts, hope to die and love a few people. Whether they sting us or snuggle with us, they have been worth knowing... and loving. I wouldn't change much. I've been both mistreated and loved well. Through it all, I've grown.

My "marriage" is dismantling itself, almost on its own. In some ways, I just watch it happen. It was over years ago, and yet, it never really happened. It was all a Christian farce. But then again, there's this one man in Oregon who loves me. I think, I believe we will build a great life together. I will love him and he taps in to me like no one else. I never, ever deserved him but he chose me anyway. Go figure.

The jobs might change and the house can be dirty or clean. It won't matter in the end. Don't give up on yourself or your writing. It's who you are and what you do well. Like me, my daughter was stalked. She survived. Yours will too.

I love you. Hold on to what you know when times are tough...

Posted by: formerfundie Aug 27 2004, 10:18 PM
I think all anyone can say to that is...thank you!
Sorry it took so long for me to get this way and respond - but I've honestly been very busy. Almost full class load this semester, but it's been good so far. I am learning sooooooo much. I never knew how much I never knew before, hehe.


Congrats on your heartthrob. I think I've seen a picture around here somewhere with you and this person, or am I mistaken? I could be misconstruing the whole thing too. I tend to do that at times.

Posted by: formerfundie Aug 27 2004, 10:32 PM
So, I am going to post this, because I'm sure there are those who would be able to understand, if not now, at least some time in their lives.


This flesh was buried off in
An unmarked grave
Dirt’s last blow
Thrown onto the coffin
With a humble gardener’s spade.

Buried beneath the burden
Of hard red clay
Dead, dry bones
Not yet turned to dust
Stay there…entombed

Suddenly, a flash of light
A warm touch of soft
Pulsating flesh
The laying on of hands
A tingling
A sifting of silence
A whisper of wind
The sounds of a saint saying

Line upon line
Precept upon precept
Blood, veins, guts,
Sinews, muscles, flesh

The resurrected flesh
Looks at the savior
And screams, “You son of a bitch
It hurts,
You should have
Left it
Rising up alive, exposed…exhumed.

Okay, I know - it's a bit heavy - but, dead flesh feels no pain, right? Don't worry, I'm depressed, but not suicidal - and I am not THAT depressed. this will probably never be critiqued and never be submitted for publication - although I did read it at our local college's open mic - I don't think too many people there liked it or understood it. Of course, I tamed it down some for that purpose. You are definitely right - this writing stuff seems to be a lot of who I am.


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